A formative research was conducted by anweshan to understand FCHVs’ ability to engage and interact effectively with the families and communities they serve and to understand the barriers they face in communicating information and providing services to families and communities on RMNCH issues/areas.
The 15 enumerators who had been previously selected and given a thorough training for the study were deployed to their respective fields from 15th January to 14th February, 2019. They had already been divided into three groups with five individuals in each group so that they could go to three different districts: Rautahat, Terathum and Darchula. They met with FCHVs, elected leaders, representatives of Community Based Organization, Grandmothers, 1000 days’ mothers and fathers and conducted FGDs, IDIs and Observations. 15 different events were organized in three municipalities of the each district to retrieve qualitative data. The information obtained would be analysed to develop a mobile prototype that will ultimately help FCHVs to communicate easily and effectively with local people.
The data obtained from the study were later transcripted and then translated and submitted to BBC Media Action.