Anweshan in coordination with WHO country office, has developed and produced three minutes long AMR animation Video and AMR website for WHO-SEARO. The informative materials intend to raise awareness among the target users and risk groups at differnt levels of health system on the burning issues of anti-microbial resistance.
Anti microbial resistance is a crisis for a country like Nepal where proper hygiene and sanitation is overlooked, hospitals lack infection control, and there is wide spread availability of 'over-the-counter' antibiotics. With the emereging public health issue, WHO has realized the need for awareness among people from the ground level and has ventured to mitigate the crisis world wide. In order to mark World Antibiotic Awareness Week 2017 (November 13-19) WHo, GARP-Nepal, FAO, OIE, Government of Nepal and Fleming fund jointly conducted a series of activities and organized a workshop "One Health Approach and AMR Challenges" during which Anweshan handeled logistics required.